The story of Thomas Becket is socially intricate as he was faced with the good and evil qualities of two opposite measures: to remain in temporal politics or to act under God alone. The lesson he gives the world still applies to the modern era. The leaders of the world should act for the temporal and spiritual good of the people, regardless of fame, riches, or power. It is the duty of everyone in authority to continually follow the guidance and laws of the Church before those of any temporal government. This was the deciding point for Thomas Becket that overcame all his temptations -
that running away from the conflict or attempting to resolve it by temporal means would be an action against the just authority of God. The king had asked him to act against the pope, the Vicar of Christ, and Thomas refused. All modern social and political leaders should stand firm in the teachings of the Church and be willing to accept the subsequent punishment, not for heroism or fame, but for love of God’s Truth.
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