Monday, July 9, 2012

Meditations Monday

Reflections on the Rosary: The Sorrowful Mysteries

The Agony in the Garden: Jesus was consoled by an angel in the Garden of Eden as He wept in anticipation of His Passion and Death.  Do we not weep for our sins as they are the cause of Jesus' ultimate Sacrifice?  As the angel comforted Jesus in the garden, do we comfort those in pain who are, themselves, the face of Christ on Earth?

The Scourging at the Pillar: Jesus was scourged at the hands of the Roman before He was taken to be crucified.  As the Flesh of Christ was torn for the satisfaction of the Sanhedrin, do we make any effort to tear away sinfulness from our lives to please Our Lord? 

The Crowning with Thorns:  The soldiers mocked Jesus by giving him a scarlet cloak, handing Him a reed, and placing a Crown of Thorns on His head, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!"  Do we exalt as we should Jesus, the King of Heaven and of our hearts?  Do we place, in our praises, a heavenly crown upon His head and a scepter in His hand?

Jesus Carries His Cross:  Christ accepted His Cross without complaint and He carried it on His shoulders to His place of death, called "Golgotha."  Do we accept the trails that come our way as crosses for Our Lord, bearing them without complaint or despair?  Do we make daily sacrifices for Our Lord in order to lessen the weight of His Cross even by one ounce?

Jesus Dies Upon the Cross: Jesus died on the Cross to make reparation for the sins of man and to open the Gates of Heaven to the faithful.  Do we view our sins as we should - as thorns, a nail, or the spear that brought forth blood and water and caused such great pain to Christ?  Do we contemplatively fall to the foot of the Cross as we should to beg for God's Mercy and the strength never commit a sin for the entirety of our life? 

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