Work Out Your Salvation A condensed version of a Fathers of Mercy retreat
Be Faithful to Daily Duty - Part I
Aspire to please God whether at home or away. You should have filial fear for God - not the servile fear a slave has for his master - but the fear a child has of offending their father because they love and respect him. Satan loves to hinder your daily duties. He wants to destroy those duties that lead you to God and replace them with sinful pleasures. Do not do anything which you cannot offer to God at the end of the day. The Lord measures your work by the manner in which you carry it out. Everything you do should be in the Name of Jesus and for His glory. You must sanctify your daily life.
Josemarie Escriva said, "God wants to make you a saint right here where you are at." St. Therese said, "My Little Way can be achieved by all." St. Theresa of Avila taught that Holiness is doing God's Will. St. Faustina said, "When we look at everything with the eyes of faith, no two hours are alike." St. Augustine taught that no one can be ready for the next life without preparing for it in this life. St. Paul says to "pray wihout ceasing."
Think well, speak well, do well. Human freedon remains in Christ and can rise to a supernatural level. Use this freedom to bring forth heavenly fruits according to your vocation in life. True devotion embelishes your daily life. Avoid making prayer your work, but instead perform your daily duties as prayers and sacrifices to God. It is better to pray a few prayers devoutly than many prayers without love. You should pray with a desire for God's Presence within you in every action and every moment. Focussing on the past and focussing on the future both lead to anxiety. Live in the moment, always.
St. Theresa of Avila said, "God can be found amidst pots and pans." St. Therese said, "Pick up a pin for the love of God and save a soul." St. Elizabeth Ann Seton remarked several times on the beauty of the words, "Thy Will be Done." Padre Pio said, "Try to love the Lord with your whole heart and whole will. He will reward you much more than you deserve... If only all people followed their vocation faithfully, this land would be a paradise."
Lift up your spirits and love God! He has saved us!
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