Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Luminous Mysteries

The Wedding Feast at Cana

Mary is the Virgin of Prayer.  She is the model of true prayer as she freely pleaded with God, but was always willing to accept His Will, knowing that He knew best.

Jesus did not snap His fingers and wine appeared from nothing.  It was more believable to change something that already existed.

By using a product of Earth, He proved that this world is not evil.  The miracle also signifies the sanctity of married life as it was blessed by Jesus through the miracle. 

We must immitate the prayers of the saints, who prayed as servants to a merciful master, and of Mary, who prayed to her Son as a loving mother, knowing He would do the right thing.

If Mary is the Mother of Jesus, we can only imagine with what fervor her petitions are heard by God.  In that way, we must beg for the intercession of Mary, knowing she is so very close to our Savior.

Marriage cannot singly be for the bearing of new life, but the union between husband and wife must reflect the Holy Bond between God and man.  In this way, Holy Matrimony is the physical representation of the unity of Jesus with His Church.

Both parents in a family must be equally respected.  A mother rears her child with love and teaches them to act.  The father is not only the worker who brings home money and treats for his family, but the person whom all of the family looks up to.

A father is equally important as a mother and plays an irriplaceable role in a child's life.  Children learn how to respect others by the way the father respects his wife. 

Every vocation is a unique calling from God and is a symbol of the Life of God on earth.  Mariage is the representation of the unity of Christ with His Church.

Ponder Point

Mary is the perfect model of prayer.  How can we immitate her?

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