Friday, September 16, 2011

Fulfilling Our Mission as Parishioners

(As a followup to the recent article in Saint Cecelia and All Martyrs Press September-October Issue)

There are many ways in which we can serve God through our parish.  It is very important that we are aware of these opportunities.  God created us to be communal beings.  This means that we are made to interact with one another.  Each person is made differently with their own personality.  However, this does not hinder our purpose of communing with others.  This does not mean that you have to be the social butterfly or the rambunctious star.  Rather, it means that we have an obligation to be active in the world according to our own means.  Communing or communicating does not require words or show, but witness and loving kindness.

Communal life is primarily seen in our relationship with God.  He made us in His image and likeness because of His great love.  Since we already know that He is all-present in our lives, it should not surprise us that He wants us to be near Him.  In this way, our primary communal responsibility is to God.  We fulfill this obligation by going to Mass and Adoration, and by praying daily such as at meals and before bed.  We can take great comfort in the words of Jesus when He told us that "when you do these things to the least of My people, you do it unto Me."  By these words, we know that communing with our fellow people is very important.  It should make us very happy to do things with and for others because we are always doing it for Christ.  This is why participation in the parish is so important.

Here are some examples for different situations:

Children (including elementary):
  • attend CCD programs
  • participate in a play group
  • plan play days with friends that include daily Mass
  • organize a Stations of the Cross night with games to follow
Middle School:
  • attend CCD programs
  • plan a sports day that includes daily Mass
  • have a movie night
  • learn to lector at Mass by planning a youth Mass during the week
  • learn to serve on the altar
  • join/start a Boy Scout/YCCW program at your parish
High School:
  • help teach CCD
  • participate in a youth group
  • join/start a Legion of Mary or some such charitable program
  • lector for Mass
  • sing in the choir
  • volunteer to clean the church
  • plan a movie night/sports day/game night that includes daily Mass
  • learn to pray the Hours (Divine Office)
  • organize a high school retreat to a shrine or monastery
  • request a lecture night for topics such as Theology, Philosophy, Apologetics, etc...
  • organize a youth Mass where your pastor can explain the parts of the Mass in detail
  • volunteer to help with CCD or RCIA
  • help organize a youth group/Boy Scout/YCCW program
  • help supervise a Legion of Mary (or similar program)
  • lector at Mass
  • sing in the choir
  • join/start a Knights of Columbus Council/CCW/Women's Guild
  • volunteer to clean the church
  • join/start a Bible study group
  • volunteer to fix the lawn/grounds
  • request for your pastor to say a Mass where he can explain the parts of the Mass in detail
  • organize adult activities such as picnics, game nights, debate nights, lecture nights, movie nights, sports days, and similar events.
I understand that every parish is different and offers different opportunities for its parishioners.  This is the case because we are each different.  The parish is the people.  We are the people - we are the parish.  Our communal life within the parish is our basis for our life universally in the world.  So, look at the opportunities within your parish and see what is possible for your family.  You might even be able to start a program that will thrive in your parish community.  God Bless!

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